
Friday, October 9, 2009

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. It is the method of analyzing and constructing individual web pages, as well as entire sites, so that they can be discovered, analyzed, and then indexed by various search engines. SEO can make the content of your web pages more relevant, more attractive, and more easily read by search engines and their crawling and indexing software.
SEO Tools
a.Google keyword suggestion tool(google adword)
b.Google toolbar
c.Quirk Search Status Toolbar
d.Google Webmaster Tool
e.Google Analytics
f.analyzebacklinks tool
h.Msn Webmaster tools
i.Yahoo Webmaster Tool
SEOBook Tools

1Use Video Search Engines for SEO
2Google Opens New 'School
3Some Cool SEO Tools
4Reading the Searcher's Mind
5Changes in Google
6Yahoo to Offer SEO?

Tips on How to Choose Keywords For SEO
While most online marketers are ready to accept the fact that search engines can bring a large volume of low cost traffic to a website, the surprising reality is that many have little or no clue as to how they should go about doing so. Several different aspects make up search engine marketing; including submission of websites, creating search engine optimized content, interlinking websites and arguably the most important part- choosing keywords.

1. Check out your competitors. Research your competition and view their Meta tags to see which keywords they are using. This is a great way to quickly list down the most commonly used keywords for your type of business.

2. Make your own list. Once you have the competitor keywords list, add to it any keywords you feel are important. Include your company name and city as well. Also add plurals and variations of the keywords. Make sure you spell important keywords in American as well as British English. So, in referencing the example used earlier, a jeweler would want to include ‘jewelry’ and ‘jewellery’ in his or her list.

3. Ask outsiders for help. Rarely can you see your own business from an outsider’s perspective. To get a layman’s opinion, ask customers to send in keywords they relate to your company. You could also ask friends and family to make suggestions. You may be surprised at the keyword suggestions they come up with.

4. Evaluate your keywords using keyword tools. Once you have a list, the process of choosing keywords is ready to move into the next stage of evaluation. Since you cannot possibly optimize your website for all of those keywords you have listed, it is best to narrow that list down. You can use software like WordTracker to decipher the popularity of each of your keywords and keyword phrases. Google Adwords:Keywords Tools is also a great (and free) tool to use when choosing keywords. Retain the most popular or frequently searched terms and discard those that are rarely searched.

5. Be specific. Rather than saying ‘jewelry manufacturing’ try saying ‘men’s jewelry manufacturing’. While the former may be a more popular search term and could possibly garner more eyeballs, the latter is likely to lead to more sales. People who search for ‘jewelry manufacturing’ could be looking for bridal jewelry, wedding jewelry or any other kind of jewelry available. If men’s jewelry is your area of business, getting a bride to browse your website is a waste of marketing resources. It would be more effective to have 5 users interested in men’s jewelry browse your site, rather than 25 that are interested in bridal jewelry

6. Be flexible. Always look to update your keywords based on the feedback received from visitors to your site, customers and website logs. Website logs can give exact information on which keywords are successful and which are not and is a great place to find reaffirmation for your keyword selection process.

SEO Book's Keyword Research Tool

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